There are three EMS agencies located throughout Brunswick County. Alberta Fire & Rescue and Central Rescue Squad are 501(c)(3) organizations and receive operating funds from Brunswick County. EMS services are provided by paid and volunteer staff.
The Brunswick Emergency Medical Services agency (Brunswick EMS) began operations on April 19, 2015 pursuant to Virginia Code § 15.2-114.14.B as a county managed response agency within the Department of Emergency Services. Brunswick EMS is responsible for providing emergency medical care and transportation of patients who are sick, injured, helpless, or otherwise incapacitated.

Brunswick EMS delivers high quality emergency medical services through coordinated policies and regulatory framework that address the need for such services. It provides maximum cost-effective performance, accounts for adequate service levels, provides sound financial practices, assures transparency in the operation of the combined system, and develops long-term plans for the delivery of emergency medical services in the County.
Brunswick Emergency Medical Services
1458 Lawrenceville Plank Rd
P.O. Box 399
Lawrenceville, VA 23868
Telephone: 434-848-3020
Meredith Sapienzo, Brunswick EMS Supervisor